Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm in brain overload ..and... It feels GREAT!

Day two of ISTE has come to a close and my brain is in a state of happy overload. I have learned, seen, and experienced so much. I have also met so many people - people I learn from on Twitter and people I never knew until this week.

Each session has something new to offer. Between yesterday and today, I have learned about iBooks, ways to revamp professional development, multiple web resources for students, and ALL the different things Google can do. I have witnessed the great tech things students are doing in our K-12 schools around the US. I have seen and experienced great conversations that started with a simple "hello, my name is...".

I have to admit, I feel like I am missing so much because their is SO MUCH to do, see, and experience. I haven't had a conversation in the Newbie Lounge. (something I hope to correct on Wednesday)

Oh my goodness, I haven't even mentioned Twitter and #iste13 -- OMG! I have learned and shared so much information in 140 characters or less.  Twitter is allowing me to gain even more information, reasons, ideas, believes, and provoking thoughts!

I am in a brain overload and it feels GREAT!


Charmaine said...

Hello, Eva! I am pretty new to technology and need all the help I can get! I've checked out your blog and Pinterest boards. Now I would like to nominate you for the Liebster Award, a blogger to blogger way of connecting and sharing all the great education ideas each of us has been implementing. You can check my blog post to see what this is all about. Hope to hear from you!

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