Friday, March 14, 2014

mobile learning on mobile devices - Socrative

My district, like may others around the US are looking at becoming a BYOD/BYOT district. With the introduction of various devices, the need for cross platform resources is a must!  In my first post on this topic, I talked about KaHoot! Today's resource is a rather popular mobile learning resource - Socrative.

I first learned about Socrative last year from my PLN and again from a teacher in one of our elementary schools. She was using Socrative with the laptop cart from the library. This year, I have seen students using Socrative with iPods/iPads as well. That is what is so great about Socrative, it is not device or platform specific.


First, teachers need to create an account at the Socrative website. Students do not need an account, but we will explain why in a moment. Teachers can access Socrative by going to or using the app available on iOS, Windows, and Android devices.

Once the account is created, students can access Socrative by going to and using the app available on iOS, Windows, and Android devices. Students will need one thing to "log in" and that is the room number assigned to the teacher by Socrative.

Teachers can create formal quizzes or do what I like to call "on the fly" assessing.  "On the fly" assessing allows teachers to stop and do an understanding check during a lesson. Formal quizzes can be multiple choice, true/false, or short answer.

Socrative also allows you the create exit tickets and a game called Space Race. Of course, data on how the students performed is always available through the reports.  You can also see "live data" as the students answer teacher paced questions, like "on the fly".

An example of  an "on the fly" question for students.

This is what the teacher sees as the students respond.

Socrative does offer user guides and helpful resources in the Socrative Garden. There is a Socrative 2.0 that I am excited to learn more about, so be sure to check that out!

Do you use Socrative?  What are your thoughts? Share your ideas!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mississippi Common Core Collaboration

The MS Common Core Collaboration Group is about to turn one year old in April! This group is definitely a labor of love.  I know we are just beginning, but this group will have a huge impact on stakeholders finding and better understanding the Common Core State Standards.

The mission of the Mississippi Common Core Collaboration is the facilitate preparedness and ensure success in achieving the expectations established by the Common Core State Standards.

There are three ways to connect with the MSCCC.  LinkedIn, Twitter, and our resource website.

(1) MSCCC PLC on LinkedIn
There are current 1839 members on our PLC through LinkedIn. Members include teachers, administrators, state department employees, college instructors, and education groups. The PLC's main goal is to provide a place for members to get together and share/learn/grow on all things Common Core.  You do need a LinkedIn account to join, but that is free and easy to do. Click on the Link to check us out!

(2) MSCCC on Twitter
We know how awesome Twitter is on access PD 24/7.  That is why we are there! We share and search for resources and news articles that focus on better preparing teachers, students, and parents on the Common Core.  You can find us at @MSCCCollaborate.

(3) Mississippi Common Core Collaboration website
This site will be the go-to resource for Common Core. It is still a work in progress, but resources are added daily.  The current website address is The site allows you to search by standard to find resources.

If you are not an educator in Mississippi, its ok! We still encourage you to join this great group!